Girl Scout History

Contact our Recognitions Chair if you would like to honor special volunteers in your troop.

We Are The Weston Girl Scouts


Welcome to the Weston Girl Scouts website. Here you’ll find an important resource for discovering what Girl Scouting in Weston is all about. You can also see and read about us in action as we explore new places, discover new interests, connect with people in our town and interact with peers here and around the state, as well as across the country and even the world.

When Juliette Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts in 1912, she wanted to give girls the opportunity to explore the outdoors, serve their communities and become self-reliant. Weston Girl Scouts carries on her mission by providing a place where girls can be girls—having fun, making friends, discovering themselves and feeling safe to try new things they might never otherwise have the opportunity to experience. Indeed, Weston Girl Scout troops foster a sense of belonging and provide girls with lasting relationships that support them as they progress through school, facing challenges at every age and stage.

Each year, Weston Girl Scouts runs several programs and events for girls, including the Weston Scare Fair in October; World Thinking Day, a celebration of Girl Scouting around the world, in February; a winter camping weekend at Camp Jewel; Fall and Spring encampments; an Awards Ceremony, and much more. In addition, Weston Girl Scout Troops participate in the annual Weston Clean-Up in partnership with the Weston Kiwanis and march in the Town’s Memorial Day parade, as well as contribute to food drives and many other community service projects.

For more information on Girl Scouting in Weston — including information on having your daughter join a troop or on becoming an adult volunteer-leader, please contact us. As one of our leaders is fond of saying, being involved in Girl Scouting is the best gift you can give your daughter. We can show you why.


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